Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wungu leaf, boils and hemorrhoids overcome

Wungu leaves have long been known to treat hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid. However, not only that the properties owned. Wungu flavonoids in the leaves can reduce swelling or inflammation.

Wungu leaf or leaves, also called purple (Graptophyllum pictum [L.] Griff.) Often found growing wild in the countryside or grown as an ornamental plant and the plant fence. It originates from the Papuan and Polynesian. These leaves can be found from the lowlands to the mountains with an altitude of 1250 above sea level. Grow well in an open place exposed to sunlight, with a dry or humid climate.

Salient feature of this plant is a purple leaf surface shiny and smelled dreadful. The leaves are oval shaped with pointed base and the leaf tips, while the bone pinnate leaves. Shape the plant is a small tree or shrub. Plant this shrub can grow to a height between 1.5 to 3 meters. Branches and twigs of this plant meet the stem.

There are three types of crop varieties wungu leaves. Leaf varieties are purple, green leaves, and white mottled leaves. However, that is often used as a medicine is a purple-leaved varieties. Breeding of this crop can be done by seed or stem cuttings. However, good breeding is with stem cuttings.

How to keep it fairly easily, that is sufficient watering and soil moisture is maintained. Do not forget also to provide basic fertilizer.

Water shed Art

Parts of plants that can be used as a medicine is part of leaves, bark, and flowers. The leaves contain flavonoids, alkaloids nontoxic, glikosid, steroids, saponins, tannins, and mucus.

The crackers contain calcium oxalate, forlat acids, and fats. The content of these substances resulted in this plant is a diuretic or piss shed, speed up cooking boils, has a smooth laxative bowel movement (mild laxative), and soften the skin (emollient).

Laxative properties at this leaves only a mild nature, which means making the stool soft but not diarrhea. This caused the percentage of mucus content reaches 35 percent. This fiber can help solve and prevent hemorrhoids and constipation. Many factors influence the occurrence of hemorrhoids disease. There are factors of pregnancy, heredity, and obesity.

It's just the most obvious factors that cause hemorrhoids are so pressing too hard feces and inflate the rectal blood vessels in the rectum. These factors can be prevented and treated by drinking potions wungu leaves.

Reduce Pain

Flavonoid compounds in the leaves are antinflamasi wungu, thereby reducing swelling or inflammation caused by hemorrhoids. Got told by some people that could cure diseases wungu leaves a very severe hemorrhoids aka bleeding time defecating. To obtain maximum results, patients must drink the decoction of leaves of hemorrhoids wungu regularly, one glass a day.

Pain and bleeding can also be reduced by this leaf stew. However, to smooth the coming months, the properties of these plants are in flower.
Antinflamasi or anti-inflammatory substances in these plants can also be used to cure swelling and ulcers. Likewise, to collision and swollen boil on the breast.

Research at the Christian University of Surabaya Widya Mandala in 1980 succeeded in proving that the leaves wungu efficacious in overcoming the heat illness. Good news also for varicose veins because wungu leaf herb can help eliminate the appearance of varicose veins are quite disturbing. Even from the research Dr. Santoso and Dr Oerip Sardjono. Sugiarto, as contained in the magazine edition no.361 Trubus December 1999, stated that the decoction of leaves wungu can eliminate pain and bleeding, which felt good inside or outside the body.


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