Sunday, June 20, 2010

Five Steps to Sharpening Brain Memory

Still young but rather forget? Well, do not let you in stamp deh senile while still young. There are many ways to avoid forgetting aka senile. These five easy steps coupled with nutritious food and diligent reading (to strengthen the memory). 1. Calm Our brains will work better when we feel relaxed or not stressed. California Institute of Technology revealed that draw a deep breath can make us relax. 2. Plan They are used to making...

How to Easily Cure Ambien

Ambien is a disease of inflammation in the rectum wall. There are two characteristics that is swelling on the outside and inside. To the outside, the walls of the anus can we hold, while inside we can touch it by inserting a finger into the rectum. Ambient disease or hemorrhoids caused by two factors, namely genetics and health disorders. If you're patient Ambient, ask your parents if they are suffering from the disease. But if not, the cause is a lack of consumption of fruits, fiber foods, eat spicy foods, can also be caused by sitting...

Schistosomiasis Patients Increases

The lack of medical staff, medicines, and operating costs caused the percentage of patients with schistosomiasis at Lindu District, Sigi District, and District Napu, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, increased. Currently the percentage of patients in both regions were respectively 2.49 percent and 3.79 percent. 1990's figure of less than 1 percent, in the 1950s had about 50 percent. It is told by Head of District Health Office of Sigi dr...

Beware, Strict Diet Cause Fragile Bones

Actress Gywneth Paltrow confessed, she was sentenced to suffer from osteopenia (brittle bones) due to the strict diet he was doing. As an actress, she was required to maintain an ideal weight equipment. Actually if osteopenia is and how dangerous? Osteopenia is the term used to describe the condition of reduced bone density so that the bones become fragile and not as strong as normal bone. However, osteopenia was not as bad as osteoporosis. However,...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vitamin E deficiency signs

According to the book The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals, vitamin E deficiency in the long term can cause nerve damage, especially the nerves in the spine. Sometimes it also occurs in the retina of the eye damage. Vitamin E deficiency should be rare. That's because of the daily food intake of almost all people get 7-11 mg of vitamin E. Even so, it turns out in the U.S. who eat plenty of famous and wealthy, carrying a mild...

5 Symptoms Women's Health Disorders Who should really pay attention

Remember my parents to continue to maintain body condition because healthcare is expensive. This is true. Healthy body shape is the dream of all people, including women. However, women are often not aware of precisely who was suffering from the disease. Many symptoms are underrated but has a considerable impact harmful by the body. Here are five symptoms you should watch the health of women. 1. Nails turned white so depressed Nail will turn white when pressed briefly, but be careful when nails remained white until a few minutes. This...

Vitamin D to think faster

Brain Helath - Besides have a vital role in maintaining adequate bone density so that strong and not easy to osteoporosis, vitamin D apparently also have influence on speed of thinking of us, especially men. This is based on research published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. This health study examined more than 3100 men aged 40 years and over in eight cities in Europe, namely Florence, Leuven, Lodz, Poland;...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Joint pain and gout.

Gout is a metabolic waste material of the body that tend to be toxin, under normal circumstances the production of uric acid and disposal must be balanced, but on certain conditions in the blood uric acid levels can increase. elevated levels of uric acid could be due to uric acid removal process disrupted, causing accumulation in the body, could also be due to the increased production of uric acid. Blood uric acid level is affected...

If Babies Urine Smell maple syrup

Urine or little urine smell like maple syrup - a sweetener made from the sap of maple trees? Well, yes you may be surprised by the headline above. But this is a real place loh! Medical terms, Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD), which is one of the congenital metabolic disorders (RTC) that is associated with abnormal amino acid in the body. Although rare, but if not handled immediately, MSUD is already acute in infancy can cause developmental delay and death in the first months of life. Inhibitory KMB Metabolism The term of congenital...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Recognize the Causes of Premature Birth

preterm labor or Premature Birth is the occurrence of delivery before the full gestational age standards, namely in gestational age between 20-36 weeks. Normal pregnancy is 40 weeks duration is calculated from the first day of last menstrual period. Infants born less months, usually birth weight less than 2,500 grams. These premature babies who may die at birth or in need of intensive care because his vital organs, immature, such as lung,...

Unexpected Causes of Fat [Obesity]

Taken from - Excess calories are not the only cause of weight loss continues to grow. There are many other unexpected factors that make the target weight gain proportionately more difficult to achieve. 1. Sleep Deprivation There are two issues relating to sleep and obesity. First, the more often you stay up the more likely you are snacking at night which results in extra calories diasup. The second thing is related to chemicals...

WHO Give Child Drug Guidelines

World Health Organization (WHO) for the first time issued guidelines for the use of 240 essential drugs for children under the age of 13 years. These guidelines contain information about the indications of use, dosage and side effects of drugs, including warnings that children should not consume a particular drug. Thick 528-page guide also mentions common drug interactions. "To be effective, the drug should be chosen carefully and the dose...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stomach Cancer Drugs, Healthy Eyes

Cancer Disease - Avastin, a drug often used patients with stomach cancer, was also effective in preventing blindness in patients with macular degeneration caused by age diseases. Drugs are not only effective but also more expensive than existing therapies. Disease due to aging macular degeneration (age-related macula degeneration / AMD) is one of the main causes of blindness in people aged over 50 years. This disease occurs when the macula,...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Complex carbohydrates Keep Blood Sugar Concentration

Healthy food - For years people with diabetes are encouraged to avoid sweets, cakes and other sugary foods because it is assumed to be faster elevate blood sugar levels. However, research shows that it is not true. All carbohydrates, including sugar kitchen, affect blood glucose with almost the same way. The most important thing on carbohydrates is not dependent on the edible kind, but rather on the portion of the diasup. If you consume...

Red Rice Keep Blood Sugar

Diabetes mellitus has become a global health problem. Number of patients with this disease continues to increase dramatically, including in Indonesia. One of the preventive efforts that can be done is setting a good diet. From this strategy, various studies have shown, change the type of food consumed effectively to control blood sugar levels. One way is to replace white rice with brown rice or bread from serelia intact. Latest publications...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Women's fear of fat, men focus on sexual pleasure

Modern Women are more confident when entering the meeting room and do a presentation in front of many people. But as she entered the bedroom, it seems there are still many women are still "tormented" by insecurity. A study quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday (11/06/2010) says, nearly three out of four young women are concerned with distended stomach, which seemed to bring a black cloud over their sex lives. Even they are hesitant and afraid...

When Baby late for Talk

Baby Health - Some research indicates the cause of the disruption of speech disturbance is the dominant hemisphere. These deviations usually refers to the left brain. In some children are also violations in the right hemisphere, the corpus hearing kalosum and trajectories are related. Speech delay can also be caused by environmental influences, such as children who get less stimulation or the use of two languages in the family. However,...

Guava Fruit, Natural Vitamin C

Healthy Eating - Do not ever forget to take vitamin C if you want to have beautiful skin, bright, healthy and young. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in the formation of collagen which is very important for our skin. And guava is one of the best sources of vitamin C that we can enjoy. Why? One cup (165 grams) of vitamin C content of guava was nearly five times more than they are at a medium-size oranges, namely 377 mg. This is the same...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tea Healthier than Water?

Drinking three or more cups of tea each day may be healthy by drinking enough water. In addition, there are other additional benefits from tea consumption, which help prevent heart disease and cancer. Extra benefits of tea come from flavonoids, antioxidants found in many plants, including tea leaves. Various studies indicate flavonoids are effective for preventing cell damage. Nutrition expert Dr Carrie RUxton and his team from Kings...

9 Foods That Can Cure Some Diseases!

SOME foods not only helps meet the nutritional intake and satisfying taste of the tongue but also relieve health problems. Bananas, for example, can help relieve stress and anxiety. What other food? Here are some foods that could be your choice. Raisin: Lower high blood pressure Around 60 raisins (equivalent to a handful) contains one gram of fiber and 212 mg of potassium. Both are recommended in the content of dietary approaches to stop hypertension (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension / DASH diet). Numerous studies have shown...

30% Couples Injury When ML

London - Enjoyment sex ,couples sometimes make sure they were where. As a result, a third of UK adults suffered injuries due to sexual activity. According to research carried out, a third of British adults, or about 18 million people suffered injuries during or after sex. As many as 40% of them realized the injury in the morning because it was too late in these activities. According to a spokesman for mobile phone recycling site which is reluctant to reveal his name, sex lately become a potentially dangerous activity....

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do not Fear Dinner

According to Kelly Brownell, PhD, Director of the Center for Eating and Weight Disorders at Yale Center Agency, the U.S., when you live your diet, avoid eating late to lose weight is a wrong assumption. It is important you know, if dinner is removed, then replaced it with a light snack to keep hunger and eat snacks that contain high calories, so weight is not going down. "The hunger that comes from non-dinner can disrupt your sleep....

Epilepsy may recur at any time

Epileptic seizures can occur at any time without recognizing places. As experienced by Calvin (28), residents of Taman Sari, who suffered epileptic seizures while driving dozens of participants of the road to graze leisurely in order to alert the month at the Bung Karno Jakarta, Sunday (06/20/2010) yesterday. Manifestations such as seizures or epilepsy may lose consciousness instantly. "Seizures can occur anytime and anywhere, including...

Blood Pressure Drugs, Cancer Risk

Jakarta - Using the popular drug to increase blood pressure and heart failure associated with at least an increased risk of heart disease. These drugs known as angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs), and medicines including telmisartan Micardis), losartan (Cozaar, Hyzaar), valsartan (Diovan), and candesartan (Atacand). Overall, the researchers observed an experiment on 223 000 patients. "Patients treated with ARBs, approximately 10% experienced...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

3 Most Fatal Mistakes in dieting

Mistaken about the diet is to eat less to lose weight. In the end, the diet is close to activities that harm the body, with a weight that would not go down. Or if it falls, in the near future will rise again. This is called the yo-yo diet. If you tend to drop weight easily and dramatically, do not think your diet is correct. So no error occurs, it helps to know a fatal error in the diet is very often experienced by dieters. Anything? Here...

Fat People At Risk Asthma

If weight loss occurs continuously up to obesity, it is quite likely a person will suffer from asthma. Risk of asthma in the fat three times higher than people of normal body weight. These trends continue to rise in recent decades. 'Dr.Jun Ma' from California, United States, tracked links asthma and obesity by looking at survey data of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2005-2006 involving 4500 men and women. One third...

Grape juice is useful to strengthen memory

Everyone would have wanted his memory to be strong, or clever. but how? Of course we should eat foods that contain many nutrients, but on this occasion we want to share tips to strengthen your memory. what it is, Grape Juice. Grape juice can reduce the risk of memory decline. However, if the wine in a juice, must or wine purple (purple grape). This is based on research conducted by a team from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, United...

Sex Is Not Just Fulfillment Needs of Men

Not all couples (married couple) have a happy sexual experiences. In this case, sexual satisfaction is the measure of his happiness. Because, there are many couples who lack knowledge about sex. Generally, couples need only look at sex than men who have met the wife. Many consequences of the lack of knowledge and lack of openness about sexual relationships. Couples, or one of them, do not feel happy and fulfilled, especially women who...

Vitamin B, Prevent Lung Cancer

Vitamin B, Prevent Lung Cancer - Vitamin B has been more famous for its benefits to maintaining brain health. But the latest study showed vitamin B also lowers the risk of lung cancer, even in smokers. The study of 400,000 people showed, vitamin B6 and amino acids in the body methionin enough to reduce the risk of lung cancer by half. However, the experts emphasized that quitting smoking is far more effective to prevent lung cancer. "Increasing...

Benefits of red onion

ONION (Allium cepa L.) plants, including family Liliaceae. This plant has a lot of growing season on the ground that many get sunlight. These plants can be bred through the tuber. Ingredients: flavonglikosida, sulfur. Other names: BERAMBANG; shalot. Purpose: Fever in children. 2-3 shallots peeled, washed, grated. Take two tablespoons of cooking oil, 1 / 2 tablespoon eucalyptus oil, a slice of lime water or water taken from slightly...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Main Causes of Acne on your face

Some of the main causes of acne on the face of your, As I have already discussed in previous postings about the definition of acne, Acne appears due to the obstruction or blockage in the hair follicle or pore pore. But the main cause of acne in addition to physically could also be caused by certain conditions such circumstances would I give below: 1. for Genetic or heredity factors. If in your family, father, mother or grandmother or your...

Causes of Acne in Adolescents Aged

Acne in Adolescents Aged - Like most people, by the age of 25 upwards pimples usually begin to disappear from the skin. Then, what if the acne does not disappear or even appear in the mature age? By Jonette Keri, MD, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and chairman of dermatology at the Miami VA Medical Center, an estimated 30% of women and 20% of men aged 20-60 years (and more) have problems with acne. Causes of Acne Acne in adulthood is generally caused by sebum, the oil...

Wungu leaf, boils and hemorrhoids overcome

Wungu leaves have long been known to treat hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid. However, not only that the properties owned. Wungu flavonoids in the leaves can reduce swelling or inflammation. Wungu leaf or leaves, also called purple (Graptophyllum pictum [L.] Griff.) Often found growing wild in the countryside or grown as an ornamental plant and the plant fence. It originates from the Papuan and Polynesian. These leaves can be found from the lowlands...

Healing Hemorrhoids Without Surgery

Healing Hemorrhoids Without Surgery - You people with hemorrhoids? maybe you're looking for hemorrhoid medications. you know, that 'hemorrhoid disease' can be treated without surgery. good news for you. refer to this article When you hear the word operation (surgery), that comes to mind is the flash of a knife hemorrhoid sufferers are scary. Yet nothing has been horrified at this sharp equipment tore parts of the body. For patients, this...

Malaria vaccine, Lower Level Infection

CHICAGO, MONDAY - malaria vaccine being tested in phase can reduce infection rates and disease in children up to 53-65 percent in two clinical trials conducted in Africa. Efforts to develop a vaccine for the deadly disease has been conducted in various research for more than 70 years old. "This is the first candidate malaria vaccine showed significant protection based on the results of laboratory tests and field-based clinical studies,"...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Watch out, Malaria Cause the Anemia !

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, which live and breed in human red blood cells. The disease is transmitted through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes and malaria parasites containing malaria parasite that is transmitted through the bite of a healthy person. Malaria is dangerous because it causes anemia or blood deficiency. This is because red blood cells are destroyed much damaged by Plasmodium and...