Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hepatitis C Large Expenses

Hepatitis C becomes a public health time bomb load. Hepatitis C virus infection has a great opportunity to be chronic, causing death. In fact, there is no vaccine for the disease and very expensive medical costs must be borne by the patient. This was revealed in a public discussion "Step into the Future Treatment of Hepatitis C in Indonesia," organized networks of HIV Infected People Indonesia (JOTHI), Thursday (29/7). The number of...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sperm banks in Indonesia, possible?

Medical technology is growing rapidly especially in the field of obstetrics and gynecology has brought enormous implications for the world. The discovery of techniques of artificial insemination or IVF (in vitro fertilization/IVF) is one of them. Request a test-tube babies continues to increase each year in the world including in Indonesia became a phenomenon in itself. Through this technique, insemination, a woman is possible to get...

Prambusia disease, Attack Baduy Residents

Residents in rural Baduy In Lebak regency, Banten province, prambusia disease or similar skin disease that attacks the entire body of the patient so that patients with decreased productivity. "The disease is not fatal, because the attack on the skin only, such as wound scab," Maman said Hasanuddin, medical officer of Community Health Centers (PHC) Cisimeut, District Leuwidamar, Lebak, Saturday (31/07/2010). Maman said, since found prambusia...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart Disease is one of the most feared killer disease worldwide. This disease is usually experienced by people of productive age and a sudden attack to cause death. 1. The symptoms of coronary heart disease 1. Chest pain and pressure 2. Persistent headaches 3. Feeling her body on fire for no apparent reason 4. Complaints occurred in the vicinity of the breastbone and neck 5. But most people who suffer from coronary heart disease...

Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

Symptoms of coronary heart disease among others, such as: 1. Pain in the chest, more specifically the center of chest pains radiating to left arm or neck, even to the backs. Chest pain like this is the typical pain of coronary heart disease. This pain arises only when doing physical activity and will decrease when resting. 2. Accompanying symptoms such as cold sweat and the incidence of nausea. Coronary Heart Disease & Cardiovascular Genetics The...

Causes Of Coronary Heart Disease

What are the causes of Coronary Heart Disease? Coronary heart disease was initially caused by a buildup of fat in the blood vessel wall in the heart (coronary arteries), and this was followed over time by various processes such as accumulation of connective tissue, chalky, blood clotting, etc., all of which will restrict or clog the blood vessels . This will cause the heart muscle in those areas experiencing shortages of blood flow and...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Signs Men Suffer of Andropause

The couple began often seen panic, anxiety, and short-tempered? That the signs of couples experience andropause phase. According to Tim Mitra Inti, the life of men can also undergo a similar symptoms such as menopause in women, although not identical. Called andropause symptoms were influenced by the aging process. In his book titled "Kesprohilic, A-Z Frequently Asked Questions About Sexual Problems", andropause is a clinical syndrome...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sex & Orgasms Always come Accompaniment?

Is sex and orgasm alongside the road like peanut butter and chocolate? There is no denying that they gave birth to a delicious flavor, but you can still taste the one without the other feeling, right? The question is, do you have to reach orgasm in order to be better sex? As if there was no sense talking about sex alone was satisfactory. But for those who do not achieve orgasm from penetration, only with additional stimulation using...

Overcoming Hair Loss with Natural Oils

One trick to making healthy hair is to massage the scalp using the right hair oil. This trick has been known since a long time that passed from generation to generation. The use of hair oil is usually not recommended for hair loss overcome. Massage to the scalp proven successful in accelerating the hair growth. This time the Info Light will present to you some of the oil which is often used in massaging the scalp with the aim of stimulating...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Important Facts about HIV / AIDS

The spread of HIV/AIDS increasingly worried about it. WHO launched the latest number of drug users to AIDS that continues to grow many-fold. To be free from disease, you need to know interesting facts about HIV/AIDS. Among them: 1. HIV indiscriminately Since the HIV epidemic began 20 years ago, the stereotypes that circulate in the community about people with HIV are gay men, drug users and commercial sex workers who get that label. In...

Pain Chickenpox, Children Must Stay Bath

WHEN chickenpox, whether your child should take a bath? The question often comes to mind Moms. So, is this justified? According to Dr. Alan R Tumbelaka SpA (K) from the Division Infeks and Tropical Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine-RSCM, despite being sick is no reason not to bathe, even for people with chickenpox. There are said not to bathe, so that scars that resemble chicken pox scar tissue is fast drying. In...

AIDS Drug Users surge

Spreading HIV/AIDS increasingly worried about it. WHO launched the latest number of drug users to AIDS that continues to grow many-fold. Number of HIV/AIDS continue to soar. This was reflected in the extraordinary surge of people who use AIDS drugs from 1.2 million last year to 5.2 million people. According to reports the UN World Health Organization (World Health Organization/WHO), between 2003 until 2010, the number of patients who received antiretroviral treatment increased by two fold. "We are very excited with this surge. This...

Red Ginger Getting rid of Asthma

Acute asthma for many years to torture 'Sulastri Asmalia (35). When a relapse, the mother of four children could be unconscious. Not surprisingly, the hospital so her customers. After he routinely drink steeping the red ginger extract, the disorder is lost. How tormented Lia, slender woman was so called, each at 13:00 to 14:00 and 21:00 to 22:00, asthma relapse. "It was like being strangled, huh ... hurt like hell," she describes the ordeal. Nearly all day he could only stay in bed. The medicine is certainly to be her friend any shortness...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Apple Vinegar Stabilize Blood Pressure

Apples are known to have many health benefits. When fermented into vinegar, apple still efficacious. Among these disorders can alleviate hypertension and vascular complaints, to lose weight. Consumption of an apple a day will keep us from the doctor's room. The old adage was born not without meaning. Vitamin and mineral content of apples ensure the body remains fit and free from disease flogging. It is estimated there are about 7000...

10 Ways To Keep Sex BURNING

Who says love and sex is no longer thrilling after a legally married? Instead you will get love and sex better after your status as husband and wife, of course if you know the secret. So what's the secret? Yes, with little effort, the couple relationship will continue red-hot. Here are 10 tips you can do when it ran out of clever ideas for your spouse's surge, which quoted from site. 1. Give Notice More details. Try to make...

Rp550 Billion for Handling Sickness

Indonesia once again raise funds for HIV/AIDS from the Global Fund. The main beneficiaries, namely the Ministry of Health, NU, and the National AIDS Commission, or NAC, signed an agreement extending a grant of 60.7 million U.S. dollars or about Rp550 billion to the Global Fund, Wednesday (23/6). These funds will for the Ministry of Health of 39.1 million U.S. dollars, the National AIDS Commission (NAC) 18.6 U.S. dollars, and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) at 2.9 million U.S. dollars for the first period, July 1, 2010 until June 30 2012. Endang...

Excess perspiration, it normal?

Sweating is normal. However, if excessive, can cause problems. You can imagine how someone could not believe her in the association if the armpit area is always wet from excessive sweat production. Unfortunately again if the unpleasant smell caused by excessive perspiration. This problem is a classic problem that is very often found in Indonesia, is associated with a tropical climate. Actually, sweat is the body's mechanism in an effort...

Sperm DNA Already Million Years

Genes on the man who is responsible for sperm production was already older than 600 million years. In addition, this gene was the same in all living creatures, from insects to mammals. Gene called Boule still has the same function and has not changed one bit despite having passed the various evolution. Research on sperm genes was conducted by a team of experts from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. They compared the...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Protein, falsifies Muscle?

Your attempt to build muscles in the fitness center will not be optimal if not accompanied with proper nutrition. Of course you need a intake which not only maintain health, but also help develop and build muscle. What is needed? Asian men have a body fat percentage is higher than European men. Therefore, they need practice with quality sufficient for the formation of muscle. In addition to weight training, proper nutrition is also...

Measure Your Diabetes Risk!

According to Dr. A.B. Wardoyo, Sp.PD, from Bintaro International Hospital, Tangerang, diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 happens when body can not produce insulin or use it. In the long term, this condition can cause heart problems, kidney disease, stroke, blindness, or a rotting wound that had to be amputated. If you wanted to know if you are the risky, answer the question below and total the values! 1. Are you usually at least 30 minutes...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Found Drug Growers of new cells in the brain

Quoted from, - Researchers have found a drug that helps the brain re-grow new cells and improve the experimental Alzheimer's drug, he said, Reuters reported. Researchers, using the mouse test, based the findings of mammals, including humans, making the young brain cells throughout their lives. Most of the dead, but this drug has helped more than infant cells survive and grow into functioning brain cells. "We make new neurons...

Mouth is Gate of Your Health

Washington DC: When the eye called the windows to the soul, the mouth is the gateway to your overall health. Unwittingly, the changes in the gums or saliva may be a sign that your mouth not in good condition. Now, open your mouth wide to check the condition as below: 1. Color Pale tongue That is, you have anemia or iron deficiency. For comparison, anemia affects the health condition of one in five women in the United States. Without...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Patients of HIV / AIDS in NTT Increasing

Cases of HIV/AIDS in East Nusatenggara already very worrying. There should be cross-sectoral coordination to tackle the problem. Thus the testimony of the Vice-Governor of NTT Esthon L. Foenay in Kupang on Saturday (10/7). According Esthon, until the first half of 2010, cases of HIV/AIDS in the East Nusatenggara' has reached 1129 cases spread in 16 of the 21 districts/cities. This amount is expected to more than the actual numbers, because...

Ways of Keeping Heart Health

World Heart Federation (World Heart Federation/WHF) predicts cardiovascular disease will be the main cause of death in Asia in 2010. Therefore, it is expected with the launching of the program "Healthy Indonesia 2010" by the Ministry of Health, the death rate from heart disease could be reduced to the lowest limit. Surely not difficult to reduce the risk of heart disease threat. For starters, you can follow some tips below: 1. Adjust...

Symptoms of High Blood Diseases (Hypertension)

Hypertension is difficult to realize someone because hypertension has no specific symptoms. The symptoms are readily observable among others, namely: 1. Mild symptoms such as dizziness or headaches 2. Often agitated 3. Red face 4. Sore neck 5. Irritable 6. Ear buzzing 7. It's hard to sleep 8. Asphyxiate 9. Sense of weight in the nape 10. Easily tired 11. Dazed eyes 12. Nosebleed (bleeding from the nose). Hypertension can be detected by measuring blood pressure regularly. Hypertensive patients, when not handled properly, will have a big...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fiber Preventing and Overcoming Ambien

When bowel movements hard and difficult, especially if accompanied by excessive straining, pain usually occurs in the anus. The pain comes from irritation and sores on the surface of the anus due to hard stools that forced out. In some people, if this situation occurs frequently, over time can arise ambient or Hemorrhoid. If it is so, the pain will be more severe, often accompanied by inflammation and swelling, and even fresh blood dripping...

Hemorrhoids and Treatment - Important for people with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid disease, for those of you hemorrhoid sufferers of this disease, do not be shy to tell people which of course might be for you to tell me. for those of you who suffer from hemorrhoids are expected to pay attention to food, such as fibrous foods, for more details, you can consult with your doctor. Here are some articles that may be helpful to your ambient or hemorrhoid sufferers. Hemorrhoids is a disease of inflammation in the...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Healthy Teeth, Brush Teeth Before Bed is Compulsory

When compared with the morning, not many people are accustomed to brushing your teeth before bed. In fact, it was nighttime is the most important to protect the teeth from his evil bacteria. According to drg Aditya Pribadi, SpOrtho, while sleeping in his mouth so sour mood, if not cleaned, tooth decay will be more easily arise. "Actually, not just before bed are obliged to brush my teeth, after meals should be because the atmosphere was...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Broccoli for Breast Health

Researchers at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, U.S., found a new anti-cancer providers. In their study, they found that young broccoli shoots have anticancer substance called sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS). This is very useful to prevent breast and colon cancer in our major. SGS substances contained young broccoli is 50 times stronger than that contained in the cooked broccoli. SGS consumption as contained in broccoli is quite...