Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wrong Myths Oil Fish, Lose Weight

Wrong Myths Oil Fish, Lose Weight - Fish oil, which have been considered a powerful assist in weight loss diet, not quite true. Supplement capsule this one will not boost weight reduction if you have been on a diet and exercise, according to new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In a group of adults obese and overweight who follow a diet and exercise program, those who took omega-3 fatty acids do not lose...

The growth of teeth in infants

The growth of teeth in infants - Almost all babies are born without teeth, or at least so it seems. And, in fact teeth have started to grow in the third month of pregnancy, while email and dentin, the hard tissue of teeth, began to take shape in the fourth month of fetal age. The first teeth usually appear when the baby is 6 months old. The emergence of the first tooth is highly variable, but generally the teeth start protruding from...

90 Percent Women Bored with her life

90 Percent Women Bored with her life, A study conducted Florette Fruit, a brand of fast food, found that 90 percent of women feel like more. The respondents all of whom are British residents say they feel bored with the same routine over and over again every day. In the same survey, respondents were asked what could make them feel happier, and the respondents said they would be happy if you can put things in their lives spontaneously....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

AIDS Sufferer Heal With Blood Cell Transplantation

AIDS Sufferer Heal With Blood Cell Transplantation - A blood cell transplantation is quite rare most likely to cure men with AIDS in Berlin, Germany. However, team doctors said that this method can not be practiced widely. 40-year-old man with AIDS is getting blood stem cell transplant to treat leukemia in 2007 he suffered. Apparently it's not just the same donor blood type, but also affects the genetic mutation that provides natural...

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Calculate Ideal Body Weight

How To Calculate Ideal Body Weight, Ideal body weight often become a dream of everyone's. Ideal body weight is the weight of someone in a position according to his height. Do you already have an ideal body weight. Here's how to calculate your ideal weight. To determine whether your weight is ideal or not. Here's how to measure the ideal weight according to Bocca: Ideal Body weight = (High Body in cm – 100) – 10% kg For example, your current...

Role of Mother in Overcoming Malnutrition

Role of Mother in Overcoming Malnutrition - The UN agency that focuses fight against hunger and malnutrition, the World Food Programme (WFP), targeting the 845 thousand children helped each year. WFP with its programs to address malnutrition, including in 100 areas of eastern Indonesia, a top priority. Funds needed 33 million dollars per year to run various hunger prevention programs. "Currently, one third of the funds collected from...

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Description Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a cancer of the thyroid gland that starts from cells that release a hormone called calcitonin. Such cells are called cell "C". The cause is unknown. Unlike other types of thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), believed to be associated with radiation therapy (a type of cancer treatment). Symptoms Symptoms that arise among other things, respiratory problems...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Alcohol Consumption Relationship with Cancer

Alcohol Consumption Relationship with Cancer - AICR expert panel found the evidence convincing that alcoholic associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and colorectal cancer in men and pre and post-menopausal cancer in women. Also, drinking alcohol likely to cause liver cancer and colorectal cancer in women. "It does not matter whether you're talking about wine, beer or sprite, if they are linked with cancer,...

When Sleep Flavor Continuous

When Sleep Flavor Continuous - Normally people feel sleepy at night or fatigue. But in some people, sleep can come constantly and do not care about time. What cause? Drowsiness is one of the marks given by the body for someone to rest. But in certain circumstances a person may feel sleepy most of the day. Reported by WebMD, Wednesday (3/11/2010), here are some causes of that makes one always feel sleepy: 1. Anemia Anemia is a major cause...

Causes of Skin Damage

1. Free Radicals Every day trillions of free radicals attack our cells from air pollution, cigarettes, chemicals in foods and beverages, fatty foods, stress and exposure to sunlight (UV). Free radicals are molecules very dangerous because the electrons do not have a partner. He is looking for a partner to take electrons from other cells that form a chain reaction that produces a new free radicals. Furthermore, there was tissue damage that...

Excess Weight Loss Causes Cancer

Excess Weight Loss Causes Cancer - The discovery of the evidence now shows that being overweight can increase the risk of colon cancer, kidney, pancreas, adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, and endometrium, such as: breast cancer in menopause. The report recommends that people be directed to maintain weight at a healthy limitation (18.5 to 24.9) based on the BMI chart throughout adult life. Further recommends to keep the stay slim in these...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fresh milk twice a day

Fresh milk twice a day - Milk is an essential nutrition for health and well-balanced development of the child. Unfortunately, parents often fail to provide milk to children. On the other hand, children are also increasingly reluctant to drink milk. The Center for Health Promotion Kemenkes dr. Lily S Sulistyowati said that ideally, children drink milk twice a day. "Drink milk, twice a day. If you are diligent and balanced food drink...

Milk Really Cause Cancer?

Nutritional benefits of milk as a health supporting lately started to doubt along with the many myths about milk, one of which is causing cancer. How is that right? This myth actually started from 1993 when the FDA approved the animal husbandry department in the United States to use growth hormone (rBGH) in cattle. The practice causes the milk production increased rapidly so that the price of milk could be pressed. But it also caused...

Overcome Cancer with Raw Vegetables

Overcome Cancer with Raw Vegetables - Fortunately for those who like to eat raw vegetables. Many studies conclude that raw vegetables may reduce cancer risk. The results Roswell Park Cancer Institute, New York showed those who ate broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower without cooking at least three times a month, have a reduced risk of bladder cancer by 40% compared with that not running this habit. The study mentioned above conducted by surveying...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Which is Better, Morning Sport or Evening

Morning Sport or Evening - For people who want to live healthy, of course you like sports. However, whichever sport you like, exercise at night or exercise in the morning. On this, there is a difference people's views, among them there are who prefer to exercise at night for warmth sleep, and some who prefer to exercise in the morning. Chris Freytag, author of Shortcuts to Big Weight Loss and Move to Lose says, that he would recommend...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vegetable Consumption Reduce Mortality

Vegetable Consumption Reduce Mortality - Did you know that we can contribute to reduce mortality and morbidity with a simple way, namely to increase the intake of vegetables and fruit in our daily menu? Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day can prevent 15,000 premature deaths, including 7000 cases of coronary heart disease, 15,000 from cancer, and more than 3,000 due to stroke. Increasing fiber intake will also...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Popular Diets in 2010

Popular Diets in 2010 - Diet has always been a dream. because many people who want the body of Lansing, and it can be obtained from the diet. so that, when things are introducing a new diet, just in droves of people came to try it, sometimes can succeed with this diet, but most diets like this only becomes a scene in the beginning only, while subsequent lost time. Here are 5 popular diet method in 2010. Perhaps you've ever tried one of...

5 Ways to Avoid Breast Cancer

5 Ways to Avoid Breast Cancer - Breast cancer is a frightening disease. this disease in Indonesia became suspect number two who killed women after cervical cancer. So, how do we take the necessary steps to avoid the dangers of breast cancer. Do the following: Exercise Routine According to Debbie Saslow of the American Chemical Society/ACS, exercise reduce levels of estrogen associated with breast cancer. To obtain maximum results,...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Folic Acid and Iron Make Baby Smart

Folic Acid and Iron - According to a study conducted in Nepal, said that Folad acid and iron are very important for pregnant women, because with the two substances, not only prevent the baby from the defects of the spine, but also able to make your baby become more healthy and smart. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says iron supplements and folic acid are consumed before and during pregnancy makes...

Where is G-Spot Location?

Where is G-Spot Location - G-spot is a small section in the upper vaginal wall when a woman is in the supine position. Located not far from the vaginal opening. When women are aroused then become rather prominent part, such as swollen. Section is sensitive to stimulation. Stimulation of the piece is causing women to be more likely to reach orgasm. But not all women aware of the part, having never experienced the stimulus, even seem largely...

Growing Hair Drug Cause Impotence?

Growing Hair Drug - Some think that bald is sexy. However, more people are not confident if the hair is often loss and balding. Therefore, hair grower medications including body care products that are sought. One of the hair grower drug sufficient demand in the UK, Fiansteride, touted to have side effects for men's sexual health. James (26) from Edinburgh, one of the users Fiansteride, claims began to feel the side effects of this drug....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Healthy Beverage List

Healthy Beverage List - All would have nodded in agreement when he heard the sermon that drinking water is essential for health. Not quite got there, we always follow the rules can be indoctrinated to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Because consume enough water to minimize bloating, headaches, to slow down wrinkles. What if we already bored with plain water? List below five drinks can be healthy alternative choices. 1. Orange juice. Benefits:...

Eggs and Cholesterol

Eggs and Cholesterol - Cholesterol is a type of fat floating around in the blood with the help of proteins called lipoproteins. If the levels are excessive, cholesterol will accumulate in the blood vessel wall which could eventually clog the blood vessel walls. The increase in cholesterol can occur because the food intake in our body. Animal fat, saturated oil variety, and eggs are good sources of cholesterol that should be avoided...

Keep Cholesterol, Stay on Healthy Track

Keep Cholesterol, Stay on Healthy - We would often hear the shrimp and the "yolk" is food with high cholesterol content. Does this mean we should stop eating them for cholesterol in our blood can not jump? According to nutritionist Joy Bouner, MS, RD, CDN, who also wrote the book Your Inner Skinny, food containing cholesterol is not the only cause of rise in bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. In fact, actual genetiklah factor which...

Sperm Shortage, what reason

Sperm shortage, what reason- The less smooth the process of fertilization is not only determined by the reproductive health of women. Men also accounted for a role in fertilization failure. In fact, from 7 million infertile couples, 40 percent caused by low sperm counts. One of the criteria for male fertility according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is there are 15 million head of sperm in each milliliter of seminal fluid. If...

Lower Cholesterol with Lime

Lower Cholesterol with Lime - Besides taking the drug from a doctor, there are natural ways to try to reduce levels of fat in the blood. It's easy, even necessary too easy to obtain. - Take a lime, fresh, clean wash. - Orange juice split four, then thinly sliced. - Add sliced lemon with its peel into a mug or glass. - Pour hot water into it until full, then cover tightly. - Wait approximately 30 minutes, then drink it down. - Do it...

Pomegranate Fruit Juice Inhibition Spread of Cancer Cells

Pomegranate Fruit Juice - Los Angeles, the benefits of fruits in overcoming disease re-expressed by cancer experts. This time of pomegranate juice shown to inhibit the spread of prostate cancer to bone tissue. This nutritious fruit is believed also to other types of cancers. Pomegranates or pomegranate (punica granatum) originated from the Middle East, but has spread to various regions. These plants can live in tropical or subtropical...

2 Diseases that Most Feared Indonesian

2 Diseases that Most Feared Indonesian - There are various kinds of diseases that can strike any person, whether mild or severe. But for the people of Indonesia, high cholesterol and loss of vision are the two most feared threat of disease 5 years. This is based on survey results of Health and Welfare of Indonesia or Philips Index for Health and Wellbeing 2010, which was simultaneously conducted in 30 countries around the world. Besides...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chili Effectively Relieve Toothache

Chili Effectively Relieve Toothache - Toothache can interfere with your ability to eat, drink or speak. Although consultation with the doctor is the best choice, but emergency treatment by using cayenne pepper also effectively relieve toothache. Toothache is most often caused by tooth decay, and usually indicate the need for dental care. Apart from medical drugs, ingredients in the kitchen or the herb can also help reduce the discomfort...

Prevent HIV, Familiarize Healthy Living

Prevent HIV, Familiarize Healthy Living - Doctors' HIV Integrated Services Unit "Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Samsuridjal Djauzi said the number of children with HIV positive in Indonesia is high. The number of HIV-infected children increases with the increase of people with HIV and AIDS both female and male. "Because the transmission went on, and testing services to more evenly, making it easier to find out if HIV positive," he said...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Be careful, Super Bacteria Threaten World

Super Bacteria Threaten World - Be careful. Medical experts in Britain warned, there is a new bacteria that threaten human life. These bacteria are classified as super as the most powerful resistance to antibiotics though. Recently, this bacterium was found in a number of hospitals in England. As reported by the BBC, medical experts also explained that the bacteria that can make an enzyme called NDM-1 were taken by NHS patients who previously...