Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Enough nutrient intake, Healthy Fetus

Maintaining nutrition is important, especially in pregnant women. Because the intake is to maintain the health of the mother and unborn child.

A healthy fetus in the womb is determining the future health condition after he was born. The fetus in the womb for 40 weeks continued to experience growth in the first trimester to third.

Content experts from the clinic Yasmin Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta Hospital, Dr. HR Muharam SpOG (K) says that the health of mothers and fathers during pregnancy influences the health of the fetus.

"As a partner to plan and prepare for pregnancy is done, right then they should always prepare themselves mainly to the content to remain healthy," he said.

To maintain the health of the fetus needs to be done many ways, among them with sufficient nutrition for the fetus in pregnant women. Muharam said, eating 'foods that are nutrient dense' be one way to prevent future cell abnormalities of the fetus.

"What are consumed by pregnant women every day so keep in mind, both the type and number," said a doctor who also practiced at hospitals Sam Marie South Jakarta.

For fetal growth and perfectly healthy, pregnant women must meet the needs of vitamins and minerals, like vitamin A for growth of the fetus, vitamin B1 and B2 and niacin to the body's metabolic processes.

Vitamin B6 and B12 to regulate the use of proteins, while vitamin C to help absorption of iron during pregnancy or prevent anemia. For a good adequacy of bone formation and joint fetus, then the required vitamin D found in milk and other dairy and nuts.

As for vitamin E is useful for the formation of red blood cells and protects fats from damage. Entering the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, pregnant women need more calcium, with the needs of about 1,200 mg per day is equivalent to eating 2 cups of milk or 125 g of cheese. That's because at the time the fetus begins to grow exponentially.

In addition, folic become one of the important nutrients because it has the function to optimize fetal development while supporting the health of the pregnant women. Adequacy of folate are generally already known to play a role in reducing the risk of Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) and other birth defects.

Because the facts show, women of Asia, including Indonesia, to risk having a baby with NTD. Folate can also avoid the risk of megaloblastic anemia and reduce levels of homocysteine in the blood.

"Sources of folic acid include broccoli, wheat, beans, spinach, also fruits such as oranges and strawberries," says obstetrician from Hermina Hospital, dr Ifzal Asril SpOG.

Furthermore, pregnant women need more calories due to the formation of new cells, the drainage of food from the maternal blood vessels to the fetus through the placental blood vessels, and the formation of enzymes and hormones that regulate fetal growth.

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