Saturday, July 4, 2009

5 benefits of the extraordinary palm fruit

don't think that tamr or kurma not have the benefits to us. here we want to tell you about 11 benefits of the extraordinary palm (Tamr) fruit. i take this resource form a blog that publish in ok, may this info that talk about the benefits of the palm (tamr) fruits can be useful to all. the following about the palm(tamr) benefits.

1. Tamr (dry dates) works to strengthen the intestinal cells and can help expedite ureter because it contains fiber-fiber control the rate of duty bowel movement and strengthen the womb, especially when giving birth. The latest research says that the fruit ruthab (wet dates) have any influence to control the rate movement womb and increase the systolenya (contraction when the heart pumped blood to the carotid). Even Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ordered Maryam bint Imran to eat fruit when trying birth dates, as the date palm fruit filling contraction movement also makes the womb increases regularly, so that the birth of Mary with her child easier. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said: "This means: And shake the palm tree base to you, keep the tree will drop fruit that is ripe dates upon you, then eat, drink and be careful you. If you see a man, say, 'I have nadzar for fast to Rabb is the Most Gracious, so I will not speak with any man on this day "[Maryam: 25-26] Ibn Al-Hafizh Katsir rahimahullah word' Amr bin Maimun in his presentation: "No there is something better for women childbed except dry dates and fresh dates" Doctor Muhammad An-Nasimi in books.

Ath-Thibb An Nabawy wal-Ilmil Hadits (II/293-294) said, "Wisdom of the noble verse of this is medical, pregnant women who will bear the very need of food and beverages rich in sugar will elements, this is because the number of muscle-contraction muscle will womb when the baby issue, especially when it takes the long. Gynecology sugar and vitamin B1 helps to control the rapid movement to the womb and increase the sistolenya (contraction of blood when the heart to the carotid dippompa). And the two elements that many in ruthab (wet dates). Sugar in the womb ruthab very easy to quickly digested by the body "mature palm fruit is very rich with the element Calcium and iron. Therefore, it is advisable for women who are pregnant and who will bear, even Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded the Mary Al-Adzra (virgin) to eat while childbed (after birth). Calcium and iron content of cooked palm fruit dikandung very adequate and very important in the process of formation of breast milk. Dry iron and Calcium dikandung fruit that can replace the palm of the mother terkuras at birth or breastfeeding. Calcium and iron merpuakan two effective and important element for the growth of the baby. The reason, the two elements of this element is the most influential in the formation of blood and bone marrow.

(virgin) to eat while childbed (after birth). Calcium and iron content in the palm fruits have matured enough and is very important in the process of formation of breast milk. the amount of Calcium and iron that have fruit in the palm can replace the energy that terkuras mother when giving birth or breastfeeding. Calcium and iron are two important and effective element for the growth of the baby. The reason, the two elements of this element is the most influential in the formation of blood and bone marrow.

2. Ruthab (wet dates) to prevent bleeding occurs for women during childbirth and to expedite the process returns the position of the womb as usual time before the next pregnancy. This is because in the fresh dates that are hormone-like hormone oxytocine that can help the process of birth. Oxytocine hormone is a hormone that functions to help when a woman or animal female giving birth and breastfeeding.

3. Childbirth and to help facilitate the safety of mother and baby.

4. Palm fruit, good tamr and ruthab can calm nerve cells through the influence of the thyroid. Therefore, the doctors recommend to some date palm fruit in the morning to the children and the elderly, so that his psychiatric condition better.

5. Boiled palm fruit that can facilitate the ureter.


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