Gynecology at the chemicals that plants have is atsiri oil, tannin, and flavonoida. The trees that can be used as medicine is a leaf, stem bark, roots, and fruit.
If you or a family member has diarrhea, take 15 pieces of boiled fresh bay with two glasses of water to boil for 15 minutes. Once cold add a little salt and then drink.
To overcome stomach inflammation, take 30 grams of salam leaf, 30 gram dry Sambiloto, and rock candy enough as possible boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. Then the water to be drunk twice a day. Do regularly.
Air stew bay also can overcome the high acid strand, the 10 salam leaf boiled with 700 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, and then drink while warm water.
Then, to overcome the stroke, the 10 salam leaf and 50 grams of banana heart is made according to taste cuisine eaten ago.
For people with high cholesterol, 7 pieces of salam leaf and 30 grams ceremai boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. Then drink water regularly.
To expedite the blood circulation, 7 pieces of salam leaf and 30 grams of the god of fresh boiled with 700 cc of water until the remaining 350 cc. Herb Then filtered and drunk as much as two times a day.
A ripe fruit that can be drunk due to alcohol. One hold a cooked mashed fruit, capture its essence. Water can be drunk at once.
For treatment outside such as scabies or itch-itch on the skin and leaves skin take stem or root of the greeting. Wash clean, and a smooth, add coconut oil and place it on the itching part.
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