Each baby will suck the finger. Especially in new born babies up to age 3 months, suck fingers often made. This shows the baby in a healthy and normal, because the suck reflex really should have been owned since the baby is born. That's why, when the baby would suckle, the mother nipple should not be compelled to include the baby's mouth. Self-colored in the slide-slide with the stalk, then the baby will find a way hilt.
However, not all babies have a good suck reflex, lo. As Prof said. Dr. dr. Nartono Kadri, Sp.A (K), there are some babies who his suck reflek low, the baby is born premature and sick babies. "In the premature baby, suck reflex finger down the baby rather healthy, because growth is not too perfect." While the baby is sick, for example, an interruption of breathing. "This means that the baby is in weak condition, so that the suck reflex unfavorable. Babies who require such lapse because he could not suck, "go FKUI this great teacher.
Needs Suck
The psychological, according to Dra. Betty DK. Zakianto. Msi, baby suck finger because hungry. Besides having the baby suck the needs, from birth to age 3 months. "Needs suck obtained when breastfeeding a baby needs, but this is individual. That is, each baby has a rack that needs vary, "said psychologist education. That is why, ever breastfeeding will not be the same in each baby. For example, babies who have already satisfied rack for 20 minutes breastfeeding, but there is a new feel satisfied after 40 minutes.
In addition, the distance of time can also affect breastfeeding. The baby every 3 hours once given to drink, for example, the demand will soak up less of the baby rather than 4 hours of drinking. "So the baby is often given the opportunity to suckle the baby can also often meet the needs of suck," he added.
Some experts also say, the baby will suckle breastmilk more often suck the finger rather than suckle from the bottle. "If there is a baby suckle breastmilk but still suck fingers, could be due to a lack of time suckle. For example, the needs of suckle 40 minutes, but he was only given 20 minutes, so it has not been satisfied suck. "Suckle the ideal time, the light of Betty, about 30 to 40 minutes. "On the 20 minute mother milk is actually empty, but the baby still suck hilt in order to meet the needs of his mother, suck."
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