Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Maintain Eye Health, you need to know

The eyes are one of the human body senses a very complex & function for vision. Although the function of human life is very important, but often less noticed, so many diseases that attack the eye is not treated properly & causing visual impairment to blindness.To prevent blindness, should each time experiencing a disturbance in the eyes, immediately consult a physician customers. It is advisable also to consult the eye doctor...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

9 Foods for Flat Stomach

Flat stomach is a dream of all people. With a flat stomach, you must be more confident because it looks more attractive. However, the benefits are not only that, a flat stomach means a loss of central fat, fat source of diseases that always disturb the stomach. Getting a flat stomach, you can start by choosing foods that facilitate digestion and reduce gas in the stomach.Warm waterDo you feel your stomach big and puffy? "Try to drink water,"...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Overcome stomach ulcers with avocado

Ever felt stomach sounds like a drum? If it was in a serious meeting, usually the voice will sound louder. Hungry? It could be, but try to hit the drum slowly. If his voice loud, you're exposed to bloated ..What is it bloated? it is confined flatulent gas / air in excessive amounts in the digestive tract. Gas / air is trapped bubbles formed small, numerous and difficult to removed. Bubbles of gas / air is along the digestive tract and especially...

Monday, October 26, 2009

America secrecy the Cancer drug from soursop fruit

America secrecy the Cancer drug from soursop fruit. A Purdue University study proved that the fruit soursop able to kill cancer cells effectively, particularly prostate cancer cells, pancreas, and lungs.Some time later in a mailing list of health and personal e-mail circulated information about the benefits and efficacy of soursop fruit. The contents of the information is enough to make the excitement and joy for cancer sufferers.Because, ...

10 magical plant lowering blood sugar levels

You are Diabetes sufferers? If your blood sugar have the problem, it could not hurt to try the following 10 ingredients that help lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol, and some other benefits.1. Gymnema SylvestreThe main functions: Lowering blood sugarThe usual dose: 200 - 250 milligrams per day. Hindi name of this plant means 'sugar destroyer', and the plant is said to have the ability to...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chronic diseases in the modern era

Dangers of food our bodies. Changed the Genetics (Genetics engineering).example: Beans, tomatoes, fruits, etc.Given acid and formalin chat. Examples: fresh fish, fish salt, tofu, noodles. Preservatives, colorings, artificial flavorings.Examples: beverage syrup, beverage and snacks, tea, rice. Antibiotics, hormones injected in the leech. Example: state chicken, beef cows, etc.. Residu pesticide, worms, germs feces. Example: raw vegetables,...

TBC is the number 3 of very dangerous disease in the world

Tuberculosis disease, or commonly known as TB, is a dangerous disease that includes the world's third ranked after HIV-AIDS and heart disease, says health watchdog, Dr. MKes Setiari Ermy."HIV / AIDS and heart attack is still ranked number one and two, while TB is on the third of a series of other dangerous diseases," said Dr. MKes Setiari Ermy, as reported by Antara.Ermy mention, along with the danger posed by tuberculosis, this disease...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cellulite Problem? Overcome with Coffee

Cellulite is a skin disorder that is feared by most women. Although usually found only in parts of the body covered, but enough to disrupt the beauty of its existence the body, especially if we are wearing shorts or bathing suits.Cellulite can be caused by the buildup of fat deposits and urged the epidermal tissue (upper skin) which is open due to its barrier damaged. Skin surface became wavy or looks like an orange peel.Part thighs,...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Healthy Life With Tomatoes

ALTHOUGH cheap, nutrient-rich tomatoes. In the outer layer is lycopene, an antioxidant that can prevent various types of cancer. Can also be processed into a variety of drinks and fresh food that could shake up the tongue.Tomatoes are by botanists called Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, is a plant of the Solanaceae family, which is blooming like a trumpet. Tomato plants, including one year (annual) which means that old one-time only for the harvest period. This plant shrubs or bushes shaped length can reach 2 meters. Stem form to a round square....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Medicinal Health Food

The food we enjoy everyday basically can serve as a drug to reduce or prevent disease. Here's the complaint and the type of food that you can use as a drug:Headache? Eat fish. Fish oil helps prevent headaches. Similarly, ginger can reduce inflammation and pain.Insomnia (I can not sleep?) Honey! Use honey as a tranquilizer.Asthma? Eat onions. Onion relief channel interference in the throat.Gout? Also eat fish! Salmon, tuna, mackerel and Sardine can prevent arthritis.Upset stomach? Banana, ginger! Bananas make a good stomach. Ginger will prevent...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Overcome Stroke With Chili

Chili. Fruit and vegetable members of the genus capsicum is like a double-edged knife. Can be loved because it can add excitement and flavor of food eaten, could also be due to hot, hot, and prepare hot food. You may hate this one fruit. But you can not deny that the fruit of this one can overcome a number of diseases, including stroke, coronary heart disease, and impotence.So spicy and delicious added, people often mixed into the cooking chili. Some use large red chillies and long, some use green chili and some use curly chili. But most...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

10 Tanaman Ajaib Penurun Kadar Gula Dalam Darah

Apakah anda salah satu penderita Diabetes? Jika kadar gula darah Anda bermasalah, tak ada salahnya mencoba 10 bahan berikut yang membantu menurunkan gula darah, meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan kolesterol, dan beberapa manfaat lain.Mari ambil manfaat dari alam, dengan memanfaatkan 10 tanaman ajaib penurun kadar gula dalam darah.1. Gymnema SylvestreFungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darahDosis umum: 200 – 250 miligram per hari. Nama Hindi tumbuhan ini berarti ‘penghancur gula’, dan tanaman ini dikatakan memiliki...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Special Food for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer? Anyone would want to avoid it. Some recent research indicates there are some foods that can prevent and reduce the risk of breast cancer.The following are some foods that can reduce breast cancer1. WheatWe can take the form of wheat cereal with a glass of milk every morning. Each half-cup of wheat equivalent to 10 grams of fiber needs to be useful to reduce levels of estrogen in the body. Many argued that high levels of estrogen...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tim Salmon arrowroot baby food from 9 to 12 months

Material:• 2 tablespoons flour garut (arrowroot)• 50 grams of salmon / tuna / snapper, puree• 2 chicken eggs• 1 teaspoon cooking oil• 1 teaspoon lemon juice• 50 grams know, puree• 50 grams cauliflower, finely chopped• 500 ml vegetable broth fish• 1 tablespoon grated cheese• 100 ml coconut milkHow to make:1. Beat eggs with oil and lemon juice until well blended2. Garut Mix flour with broth, coconut milk, fish, eggs, tofu and cauliflower. Stir well and jerang until bubbling and cooked through. Insert the cheese and stir well. Lift3. Pour into...

Tim Corn Meat baby food from 9 to 12 months

Baby food from corn and meatMaterial:• 50 grams of corn, shaved, crushed• 625 ml of water• 50 grams ground beef• 50 grams tempeh, steamed• 25 grams of spring greens, thinly sliced• 25 rgam carrot, grated coarse• 2 tsp butter.How to make: 1. Mix the water with the corn, stir, then strain 2. Mix water and corn with tempeh meat, cook until the pulp 3. Boiled corn with water, fish and know that until it becomes mush. Enter Tempe grits that have been made. 4. Enter the spring greens and carrots, cook until the vegetables are cooked 5. Add...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eggs Tim Rice, Food for infants 9 to 12 months

Eggs Tim Rice, Food for infants 9 to 12 monthsMaterial:• 20 grams of rice, wash clean• 625 ml of water• 25 grams of chicken liver• 50 grams to know• 1 egg• 25 grams of carrots, grated• 25 grams of watercress leaves the young, thinly sliced• 2 tablespoons coconut milk cookedHow to make:1. Boil rice with water, chicken liver, and knew, stirring constantly until the mush2. Add the eggs, stirring constantly until hard-boiled eggs3. Enter the watercress and carrots, cook until the vegetables are cooked4. Add coconut milk. Mix well. Lift.for 2 servi...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Apple Pot Biscuits, Food infants 9 to 12 months

Material:1 sweet apple, peeled, chopped1 / 8 tsp cinnamon powder4 biscuits1 tbsp water150 ml hot water1 egg50 grams sugar3 tablespoons powdered formulaHow to make: 1. Enter the apples, cinnamon and water into a saucepan, boil until soft apples over low heat for about 5 minutes 2. Take 2 small heat-resistant mold 200 ml size, basting with margarine 3. Place 2 pieces of biscuits in the bottom of each mold, then cover with poached apples 4. Dissolve 150 ml of hot water with beaten eggs and sugar into a bowl, mix well and pour into the...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Overcoming the red eye irritation with 'betel leaf'

Tips to overcome the red eye is the result of my own experience when at home, so if you dare try to please try it, but I am not responsible if something happens with your eyes, because the drug deal was outside the red-eye scientific testing.ok, we started it.when my eyes red my parents told me to pick some betel leaves on the porch beside the house. Then told me to wash it and then soaking it in hot water. All I do myself.water that has...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

keep your eye health with papaya seeds

Here I try to post a post about eye health, hopefully we can keep our eye health with a better.How to maintain eye health? According to dr. Rini Mahendra SpM easy way, one of them is to eat papaya seeds. Why papaya seeds? It is said that papaya seeds contain compounds of lycopene are important for eye health. If you can not stand going to taste bitter, then you can eat them with honey added, or as a mixture of tea. In addition it can also...

Diabetes is very dangerous for one's existence, therefore we must always maintain the best possible health to avoid the diabetes disease on occasion this time I tried to provide medicines from avocado to treat diseases of diabetes. Here I try to present a traditional medicine that use the avocado to cure diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus drug with Avocado Seed How to make: 1. Avocado seed thinly sliced 2. Avocado slices dried beans dry 3. Sliced avocado seeds are dry roasted uyang (Javanese fried couples say) like making coffee. 4. Sliced avocado seeds that have been roasted blend until smooth. 5. Enter the avocado seed powder blend into the skin of the capsule that can be purchased at pharmacies. 6. Drinking avocado seed capsules once a day.

Eye is apart that very important in people life, so must to keep eye healthy rightly. At this moment i want to share any tips may be useful to us in keeping eye healthy.I write 8 ways to keep eyes healthy as the follow1. Check your eyes every 12 months.Vision problems that are not treated will grow more severe, and wearing contact lenses or glasses are no longer suitable for you can cause vision problems and headaches.2. In summer, wear glasses.UV ...