High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries.
In general, hypertension is a condition without symptoms, in which abnormally high pressure in the arteries causes increased risk of stroke, aneurysm, heart failure, heart attacks and kidney damage.
On examination the blood pressure will get two numbers. Higher numbers obtained when the heart contracts (systolic), lower rates obtained during the heart relaxes (diastolic). Blood pressure is written as systolic slash diastolic pressure, such as 120/80 mmHg, read a hundred and twenty of eighty. It says high blood pressure if at the time sitting systolic blood pressure reached 140 mmHg or more, or diastolic pressure reaches 90 mmHg or more, or both. In high blood pressure, usually increases systolic and diastolic pressure.
In isolated systolic hypertension, systolic blood pressure reached 140 mmHg or more, but diastolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure were within normal range. Hypertension is often found in old age. Along with age, almost everyone experienced an increase in blood pressure; systolic pressure continued to increase until the age of 80 years and diastolic blood pressure continued to increase until age 55-60 years, then decrease slowly or even decreased dramatically.
Malignant hypertension is a very severe hypertension, which if not treated, will cause death within 3-6 months. Hypertension is rare, only 1 of every 200 people with hypertension.
Blood pressure varies in one's life naturally. Infants and children normally have a blood pressure is much lower than adults. Blood pressure is also influenced by physical activity, which will be higher at the time of activity and lower when resting. Blood pressure in a single day is different; highest in the morning and lowest during sleep at night.
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