Monday, August 23, 2010

Never Gratuitous, Discard remaining drug

Public urged not to carelessly dispose of drugs and the packaging is not used anymore or has expired. Discard the drug or the packaging is still intact can open up opportunities for the mushrooming practice of fake drugs in the community.

Observer practice counterfeit drugs, Weddy Mallyan, in the medium-Aventis Sanovi forum in Jakarta, Thursday (05/08/2010), said most public and medical circles today still treat drug is not as it should. Drugs and the packaging is not used arbitrarily discarded like trash. In fact, this packaging of drugs and potentially misused.

Expressed Weddy, utilization of drug and packaging waste is one of the modes that are often carried out unscrupulous fake drug makers in Indonesia. Unused items are usually obtained from the unscrupulous collectors used goods or packaging of medicines.

"Better drugs are not used or carelessly thrown away the packaging does not mark. Destroyed just so that can not be used again," said Weddy who had served as head of Center for Drug and Food Investigation - BPOM RI.

Counterfeiting of medicines by utilizing packaging, advanced Weddy, only a fraction of the mode that made the perpetrators. The practice of drug counterfeiting is now very sophisticated and are categorized as organized crime, involving even international networks.

Data World Health Organization (WHO) states, the prevalence of counterfeit drugs in developing countries reached 10 percent. Meanwhile, in countries that enforce laws already spelled forward only reached 1 percent. The value of counterfeit drug trade this year is estimated to rise 92 percent in five years ago and reached 75 million U.S. dollars.

The definition of counterfeit drugs on the basis Permenkes No.1010/menkes/Per/XI/2008 is a drug manufactured by unauthorized by legislation or drug products with labeling that mimics the identity of other drugs that have registered the marketing authorization.

"Counterfeit medicine is also is one type of illegal drugs. In addition to counterfeit drugs, illegal drugs are classified is a drug not listed in the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM)," explained Weddy.

Weddy added, the type of drugs that are often counterfeited and many on the market is fast moving drugs like class of antibiotics, antiparasitic, alagesik, antipyretics. In addition, other types of drugs are often counterfeit drugs that are expensive as well as lifestyle drugs such as impotence drugs, antikolesterol and slimming drugs.

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