Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Preventing Cancer by Grape Seeds

Preventing Cancer by Grape Seeds - So far, people familiar with wine as a delicious and healthful fruit. Did you know, eating grapes while its seeds are much more nutritious because the content of antioxidants that can reduce risk of skin cancer? Some people would think twice if asked to eat grapes with seeds at once. It might seem strange because during the person intentionally discard seeds. In fact, while being engrossed in enjoying,...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Basic Steps to Prevent Cancer

Basic Steps to Prevent Cancer - One third of all cancer cases in the United States, China and the United Kingdom each year could be prevented if only people would do the basic steps for cancer prevention. Prevention of cancer should not be anything complicated, some simple decisions in your daily life effectively enough to fend off the attack of cancer. But the point is to keep us stay on course a healthy lifestyle. The American Institute...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Traditional Medicine Hemorrhoid Disease

Traditional Medicine for Hemorrhoid Disease - The story of some very sick patients with hemorrhoid he said when he was a relapse, just imagine the blood out of the mouth lips anus anus due out in the sometimes accompanied the Swollen. Hemorrhoid caused by mistakes breathing exercise, heavy lifting or genetic factors. Hemorrhoids will bleed after bowel movement, so the dirt is red because of blood mixed with hemorrhoids, it sometimes makes...

Civilize Behavior of Healthy Living

Civilize Behavior of Healthy Living - Health is a human right everyone, including children. To avoid various diseases mainly affecting children, as parents should you have to instill healthy behavior since childhood. Teach children to live a healthy life should be inculcated early on. These healthy habits will make the future generation to remain healthy. Informing the importance of personal hygiene and taking care of themselves become...

Oral Sex Causes Head Cancer and Neck?

Oral Sex Causes Head Cancer - The main drivers of cancer is human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus can be transmitted through certain types of sexual activity. "There seems to be pretty good relationship with the increasing number of sexual activity, especially oral sex, is associated with increased HPV infection," said Dr. Greg Hartig, professor of ENT and head and neck surgeon at the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health University of...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

BackBone Care, Keep your body position

BackBone Care - Spinal pain is often ignored. In fact, once the main supporting bone of the body was disturbed, pain attacks and impaired productivity. Not surprising considering the spine is a dynamic object that holds the load of each of our activity. Later, Andi often disturbed pain in his left. The result of the scan at the hospital turned out to have bearing prominent in the neck so that pinch nerves. "The pain disappeared arise,"...

Beware of Foot Bone Disease

Beware of Foot Bone Disease - Leg Bone Disease may sound strange to our ears, because if we hear the word bone, we only know about bone loss, or better known as osteoporosis. But you need to know, the foot bone disease is also dangerous for your health, especially for you who have advanced age. Why? Because the leg bone disease can cause paralysis. So beware of early bone disease leg. Recognize early Surely you do not want this disease...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Digoxin Medicine | Keep Healthy

Digoxin Medicine - Description: Digoxin, derived from the leaves of plants digitalis (leaves used as medicine to strengthen the heart). Digoxin helps make the heart beat stronger and with more regular rhythm. Indications: To treat congestive heart failure, is also used to treat atrial fibrillation, heart rhythm disturbances in the atria (the upper porch of the heart that allow blood to flow to the heart). Dosage: 62.5-250 mcg orally...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


10 TIPS HEALTHY WITHOUT DRUGS - Multicomplex life today so I can be knocked-down "disease" strange that difficult to overcome, either by itself or immune drugs. How tricks to keep us healthy without frequent treatment. It is no secret that our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body from disease attack. That is if the system works! Sometimes like to crash. If it were so, so what can make! We are forced to seek treatment....

Masturbation Not Affect Penis Size

Masturbation Not Affect Penis Size - Normal or not penis size always been an alarming young men. There was also little affected by the myth that masturbation can make the size of Mr. P aka penis larger. Masturbation as one of actual sexual behavior has nothing to do with raising the size of the penis. Masturbation will not cause sterility. Nevertheless, sexual urges that arise in their teens should be controlled so that masturbation...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Week Pregnancy

First Week Pregnancy - Here is a description of the development process as well as a pregnancy that your baby's growth every week. Please remember that every pregnancy is different and growth rate varied, so you can talk to your doctor. Actually a bit strange too, if we count the weeks of gestation from last menstrual period. But because most women almost can not be sure exactly when they started to contain (and that's fair), so it's...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

7 Safe Food Additive | Healthy Lifes

Food additives, was actually part of the raw materials of food, but added to food to affect the nature or form of food. Which includes, among other dyes, preservatives, flavorings, antigumpal material, bleaching materials and thickeners. Here is a safe food additive by SK Menkes no.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88: 1. Food preservatives - Acid benzoate as much as 1 g per 1 kg of dough. - Sodium benzoate as much as 1 g per 1 kg of dough. - Acid Propionate...

Monday, January 17, 2011

7 Safe Food Additive | Healthy Lifes

Food additives, was actually part of the raw materials of food, but added to food to affect the nature or form of food. Which includes, among other dyes, preservatives, flavorings, antigumpal material, bleaching materials and thickeners. Here is a safe food additive by SK Menkes no.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88: 1. Food preservatives - Acid benzoate as much as 1 g per 1 kg of dough. - Sodium benzoate as much as 1 g per 1 kg of dough. - Acid Propionate...

First Week Pregnancy

First Week Pregnancy - Here is a description of the development process as well as a pregnancy that your baby's growth every week. Please remember that every pregnancy is different and growth rate varied, so you can talk to your doctor. Actually a bit strange too, if we count the weeks of gestation from last menstrual period. But because most women almost can not be sure exactly when they started to contain (and that's fair), so it's...

Understanding about Ovulation

Understanding about Ovulation - When ovulation is one of the most important thing for a woman to understand about her body, because it is a determining factor in getting pregnant or prevent pregnancy. The process can be a bit confusing, hopefully the text below can help you to understand. Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovaries, down into the fallopian tubes, and ready to be fertilized. Lining of the uterus has...

Masturbation Not Affect Penis Size

Masturbation Not Affect Penis Size - Normal or not penis size always been an alarming young men. There was also little affected by the myth that masturbation can make the size of Mr. P aka penis larger. Masturbation as one of actual sexual behavior has nothing to do with raising the size of the penis. Masturbation will not cause sterility. Nevertheless, sexual urges that arise in their teens should be controlled so that masturbation...

Children Eating Pattern Following Parental

Children Eating Pattern - Many parents are giddy with her eating habits like picking out food (picky eating). However, you need to be careful if you think your child a picky eater, because your perspective can affect nutritional intake. If a mother already branded her as a picky eater, usually the child will rarely eat fruit and vegetables. "Perceptions of parents that their children prefer picky food can make parents do not offer their...

Balanced Nutrition, Prevent Diabetes Complications

Balanced Nutrition - Diabetes is a chronic disease that spend a lot of cost. The increase in blood sugar levels are uncontrolled and persistent can cause damage to small blood vessels and large blood vessels that lead to vision problems to heart disease and stroke. Environmental factors related to lifestyle such as lack of exercise and excessive nutrient intake and obesity are factors that can be repaired. There is no doubt that nutrition...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Doctor Don't Distinguish Patients

Doctor Don't Distinguish Patients - A doctor at work, in addition to professional expected, also must not discriminate patients, both in terms of religion, ethnicity, class, or rich and poor, said the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Dasron Hamid. "Suppose the patient is your own. Treat them regardless of religion, tribe, rich or poor," he said at the inauguration and oath doctors XXIX period of Faculty of Medicine and...

Burn Fat Faster While Walking

Burn Fat Faster While Walking - Although exercise often walk considered "less challenging", but you can burn more fat if you know how. You do not even need to make an effort too hard. Avoid steep climb Do not assume that walking in the streets and steep uphill better at burning calories. "Better to keep your speed on the climb that was rather than slowing down at a steeper incline," says Mark Fenton, author of The Complete Guide to Walking. Swing...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Male Sex Life More Vibrant

Male Sex Life More Vibrant - It's no secret that female life expectancy is longer than men. But matters of sexual life, the male is champion. Although women are more longevity, but a study showed the age of 55 years, a man still has years of active sexual life to 15 years in the future. While women in the same age, they only have the remaining 11 years. A study published in the British Medical Journal also mentioned if a man keep his...

Features of the Perfect Lover!

Beautiful relationship is always closely related to the behavior of warm and cute words. But all that enough? What do we really need, when talking about the figure of the perfect male lover? To that end, Dating Tips brings you into the middle eight characteristics of male lovers who will be perfect in the eyes of every person. 1. Let your partner talk and listen to him. 2. Beloved family and friends. 3. Be a real man, the perfect...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tips Before Drinking Drugs

Tips Before Drinking Drugs - Drug reactions and interactions between drugs with one another are common. We must be careful about it. Consult your doctor if taking a different purpose use, especially if you have not ever eat them. Here are the things that you should convey to the doctor for medication reactions that you consume: 1. If you experience an allergic reaction to medicine, food and other elements. 2. When taking the free medication...

Male Sex Life More Vibrant

Male Sex Life More Vibrant - It's no secret that female life expectancy is longer than men. But matters of sexual life, the male is champion. Although women are more longevity, but a study showed the age of 55 years, a man still has years of active sexual life to 15 years in the future. While women in the same age, they only have the remaining 11 years. A study published in the British Medical Journal also mentioned if a man keep his...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Burn Fat Faster While Walking

Burn Fat Faster While Walking - Although exercise often walk considered "less challenging", but you can burn more fat if you know how. You do not even need to make an effort too hard. Avoid steep climb Do not assume that walking in the streets and steep uphill better at burning calories. "Better to keep your speed on the climb that was rather than slowing down at a steeper incline," says Mark Fenton, author of The Complete Guide to...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

8 Important Sport Reducing Pain

8 Important Sport Reducing Pain - When the disease is being approached the body, we like to find a reason to stop exercising. And, in fact exercise can reduce pain and improve quality of life. It's not easy to exercise when sick. However, the good news is you do not need to do strenuous exercise. "Many things can be done to move the body. Exercise not only can reduce the perception of pain, but also prevents loss of bodily functions," said Perry Fine of the American Pain Foundation. Before exercising, you should really consult with...

Doctor Don't Distinguish Patients

Doctor Don't Distinguish Patients - A doctor at work, in addition to professional expected, also must not discriminate patients, both in terms of religion, ethnicity, class, or rich and poor, said the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Dasron Hamid. "Suppose the patient is your own. Treat them regardless of religion, tribe, rich or poor," he said at the inauguration and oath doctors XXIX period of Faculty of Medicine and...

Prostate Healthy with Broccoli - Prostate Cancer

Prostate Healthy with Broccoli - Preliminary research on the efficacy of broccoli, cauliflower, and similar to prostate cancer treatment will be directed to the manufacture of vegetable drugs that can be used. "It's early works are interesting, but far from anything that happens in a test tube to know exactly what happens in humans," said Dr. Durado Brooks, director of prostate and colorectal cancers at the American Cancer Society. More...

How to Get Male Baby or Female

How to Get Male Baby or Female - Male or female alike. The words we often hear from couples who are waiting for the arrival of baby. But sometimes in their hearts, there is a desire that can not be denied that they have no hope for children born to women or men. Can we design a child born as a male or female? Can! The first attempt to do, of course pray and ask him directly on the Creator of Life. Alternatively, of course with the lawful efforts can and should do. Every time ejaculation, normal male sperm release 2 to 5 sprays. In...

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - World Health

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Definition - One of nine types of muscular dystrophy, a group of genetic, degenerative diseases primarily affecting voluntary muscles. Progression - DMD eventually affects all voluntary muscles, and the heart and breathing muscles. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder that involves rapidly worsening muscle weakness. Causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a rapidly-worsening form of muscular dystrophy. Other muscular dystrophies (including Becker's muscular dystrophy) get worse much more slowly. Duchenne...

How 17 Day Diet Works

17 Day Diet - The 17 Day Diet, featured on Dr. Phil and The Doctors TV show, is here just in time for the holidays and your 2011 New Years resolution to lose weight. How the 17 Day Diet Works According to Dr. Moreno, this diet plan works by confusing your metabolism. It does this through four cycles of altering the amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you eat every few days. Each cycle has a different goal. The four cycles are: 1. Accelerate – This cycle promotes fat burning, cleansing, and quick weight loss without...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Slim Tips Natural Way - Natural Diet

Diet that you do will only make your weight go up and down only. While still in the early years, let's achieve ideal body weight in a healthy and natural. As quoted from beautyhill, see the tips quick way to look slim in a natural way: Eat regularly A unique body will decrease metabolism when hungry. This is not good for weight loss process. Avoid applying regular daily diet, at least three times a day. Do not also skip breakfast to...

Balanced Nutrition, Prevent Diabetes Complications

Balanced Nutrition - Diabetes is a chronic disease that spend a lot of cost. The increase in blood sugar levels are uncontrolled and persistent can cause damage to small blood vessels and large blood vessels that lead to vision problems to heart disease and stroke. Environmental factors related to lifestyle such as lack of exercise and excessive nutrient intake and obesity are factors that can be repaired. There is no doubt that nutrition...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Get All Benefits of Vitamin A

Get All Benefits of Vitamin A - Not only good for health, but vitamin A has been made you are sure to always eat them. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient, especially in the process of therapy and treatment is crucial for prevention and treatment of malnutrition syndrome. Vitamins are also known as retinol is believed to give a positive effect and increase the growth and immunity or immunity. This type of vitamin is also keeping mucous...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Want Success Diet, Start at age 28!

Success Diet - The success in weight loss is influenced by many factors. Research shows, the age factor could be influencing the success of the diet, particularly among women. The survey, conducted Lambrini Light beverage company in the UK states, female dieters who succeed are those who started the slimming program at the age of 28 years. Women in age 20s believed to be able to quickly erode the fat from her body, because they have...