Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stroke and preventing

Stroke is the cause of death and the third highest cause of disability in adults in the United States. Incidence and prevalence of stroke have a major impact on the community. Patients affected stroke have a high risk for a stroke attack back. Back stroke attacks ranged between 30%-43% within 5 years. After the attacks the brain scanning, 20% patients experiencing stroke within 90 days, and 50% of them experienced seizures stroke back in time 24-72 hours.

Why does stroke happen?
Stroke can occur because someone has a healthy individual stroke risk factors. Stroke risk factors that have can be controlled and there are that can not be controlled. Stroke risk factors that can not be are age, gender, race, family history, and previous history of stroke. Old age group and men more easily affected by stroke, as well as someone with a family history of stroke.

Stroke risk factors that can be controlled is hypertension, diabetes, smoking, high blood cholesterol, high blood trigliserida, Obesity, sleep disturbances, infkesi, heart disease, etc.. Understanding the risk factors of stroke could be this important. Control of stroke risk factors will decrease the risk to someone affected by stroke. Blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg restrained under akan reduce the risk for someone exposed to stroke. Quitting smoking will also reduce the risk of stroke affected.

How if exposed the stroke?
The most important is recognize the symptoms immediately. Immediately to the hospital with complete facilities. Concept stroke care is the time. When the symptoms immediately known and given the appropriate attention, the prognosis
akan better. Stroke should be recognized. The test is the most known FAST (Face Arm Speech Test). There are more some pre-hospital stroke scale, such as Cincinati Stroke Scale and the Los Angeles Pre Hospital Stroke Screen (LAPSS).

When patients talk listless, or pale face, movement or weakness of the members, immediately to the hospital, or contact the hotline stroke (cat: no stroke hotline 0274-521253 Bethesda Hospital). Immediately after the patient arrived in the hospital, conducted early essessmen by team doctors, and nurses. In the patients with the suspicion of stroke, the team will make the Hospital as a CT Scan gold standard for diagnosis of stroke. CT scan examination will be able to differentiate the pathological type of stroke, whether including the bleeding stroke or stroke choke. In general, patients treated akan 7-14 days.

Continuing life after stroke
Mortality due to stroke ranged from 20% to 30%. This means that there is a potential subject of 70%-80% for secondary prevensi action. For patients who survived the attack after the stroke, the control routine is a must. Family support is important too. Join the club stroke or calisthenics stroke is a form of recreational therapy and remediation.

1 comment:

  1. Cured from stroke.

    I have decided to make my testimony public. For over two years I have been suffering from stroke disease. During this period, I always feel sudden numbness, I also have trouble in walking and seeing. I was disabled and was scared of long-term disability until I came in contact with an Indian doctor, Dr. Ronan. He saved me from this deadly disease called stroke with his herbal medicines and now I am living my best life, you can contact him with
