Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Diabetes drug From Avocado Seed

Diabetes is very dangerous for one's existence, therefore we must always maintain the best possible health to avoid the diabetes diseaseon occasion this time I tried to provide medicines from avocado to treat diseases of diabetes.Here I try to present a traditional medicine that use the avocado to cure diabetes.Diabetes Mellitus drug with Avocado SeedHow to make:1. Avocado seed thinly sliced2. Avocado slices dried beans dry3. Sliced avocado seeds are dry roasted uyang (Javanese fried couples say) like making coffee.4. Sliced avocado seeds that...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Facebook can improve intelligence

Facebook can improve intelligence. your facebook lover, you are hooked with facebook. refer to the following, you entrust that facebook could increase intelligence or not?, here we give a little information about the positive impact of facebook, facebook is playing, increase your intelligence. The following research results about facebook can improve intelligence.Dr. Alloway of the University of Stirling Scotland has studied memory performance...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to improve brain intelligence with google search

We know that all people crave brain intelligent, with the brain intelligence the human has become respectable, don't it? therefore we must pay attention also to the brain. one effective way to educate the brain intelligent is to provide nutritious food to your child.but, what about you are an adult? do you can also improve brain intelligence. do not worry, according to a study from UCLA to prove that the search for information using Google...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Benefit of Banana in Treat the Jaundice

Benefits of bananas can be used to treat jaundice. This plant comes from Asia and spread in Spain, Italy, Indonesia, America and other parts of the world. Banana plants, outdoor areas like enough sunlight, suitable to grow in the lowland to the altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Basically, the banana plant is a plant that does not have true stems. Trunk formed from the development and growth around the stem of stem axis length soft, banana stems that are actually hidden in the tubers in the ground.His way of concocting below:Ingredients:...