Tuesday, March 3, 2009

panu traditional treat

Panu been suffering? Cringe! Although not dangerous, panu can make people ashamed and his minder. On some people who are vulnerable psychiatric, panu even caused them to withdraw from the association. Of course, in the long term, 'side effects' panu this will be more serious and more difficult to overcome. So, to avoid all of that.Panu caused by a fungus called Malassezia furfur (formerly called Pityrosporum ovale). On KOH examination, this fungus appears as hifa short (such as rod-rod) and the rounded spore (a kind of fruit) groups.In addition...

Monday, March 2, 2009

cough and can not remove phlegm

Far as one of my good to remove the phlegm is to use a nebulizer. Can be done in tempat2 fisoterapi in the hospital. Usually, doctors give children like cough medicine mixed with drugs pengencer sputum. Just like my child, if the sputum is a lot of it will come out with the vomit. Can be seen that a lot of vomit in its mucus. If I do because it means happy dahaknya out.Nebulizer sale from many in-expensive price 400ribu up. For those who often pliek cough and sputum pro seems to be like deh. Nebulizer is a kind of equipment that produces...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

health medicine

drugs in the environment of our health.health medicine is one of the friend who is very important for us, because the health medicine guard our health. with the drug's health we can live with a goodhuman beings is one of the gods who do not escape from the pain, such as heart disease, stomach, cancer pain, and so forth. in protecting the body from the human disease should always be with drugs that act as health healer disease earlier. health medicine or health drugs available from a variety of forms, have called with chemical drugs and are...