Sunday, March 10, 2013

8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke

8 Strategies to Prevent Stroke | Stroke or partial loss of all neurological function (nerve), which occurs suddenly has become one of serious diseases in Indonesia, because of a growing number of cases. In developed countries like United States, stroke ranks third as a cause of death. While in Indonesia, stroke is the leading cause of death and top cause of disability. "It takes a strategy for dealing with stroke. Data in Indonesia showed that...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anti-Cancer Plants and Fruits

Anti-Cancer Plants and Fruits 1. Tomato, known to treat prostate cancer, by eating tomatoes that have been boiled. 2. Red pepper, known to prevent colon cancer if consumed in the long... ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Chocolate, Healthy Snacks for Kids

Chocolate, Healthy Snacks for Kids - Children so like to chocolate, it cause this snacks is very smooth and delicious, in fact behind that, chocolate also keep any other benefit, such as overcome from stress at kids. Chocolate have any type, there is a chocolate that good for health like protect heart disease, and also have any type of chocolate that bad to health. OK, lets we see the explanation about this chocolate. Nutritionist and...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrity Beauty Skin Secret | Natural Beauty Secret

Celebrity Beauty Skin Secret - Beautiful is desire of each person, include me..:). well, but how we can get the beauty like the celebrity commonly. The beautiful of celebrity, even top world celebrity prove not the on expensive beauty product, but majority of them still use the natural recipes. Below are the recipes of beauty of Eva Longaria untill Catherine Zeta-Jones. Eva Langoria: Use Protein Placenta Eva Langoria using the placenta...

Carbonate or Soda Beverage Can Trigger Stroke | Beware!

Soda or Carbonate Beverage Can Trigger Stroke - People that always drink soda or carbonate beverages have a risk of stroke more larges then other. This research still early research. in spite of that this research can be a light yellow to us to begin to avoid soft drink or carbonate beverage in solid frequent. Dr. Steven GreenBerg as a neurologist from Harvard medical school said: "This Research result can be warning to us to reduce the...

Recognize Other Signs of Dehydration

Recognize Other Dehydration Signs - Dehydration or lack of fluids in the body most easily characterized by the onset of thirst. When the signal is ignored, the body will react by sending another signal that we do not often realize. Dehydration is characterized by mild to moderate dry mouth and sticky, sleepy, a little amount of urine and the body feels tired. "Fatigue in the daytime, headaches and lower concentrations are also often experienced...

9 Causes of Constipation

9 Causes of Constipation - Experience hard stools, difficulty in bowel movements, usually less than three times a week, are the traits of constipation. This issue is actually quite commonly experienced people. Constipation is divided into two types, namely primary and secondary constipation. Constipation is the primary functional constipation or no organic abnormalities found in the body after the examination. While the secondary constipation...